I am melting at my computer from the cute. I can’t take it. These crates turned into pet beds are fantastic. Love them. But JUST LOOK AT THAT CUTE LITTLE MUNCHKIN! OH I can’t cope. I love him.

I’ve got the diabeetus from the sweetness. See these great crate beds and more at Etsy seller Sammy’s Backyard Crafts. And say hi to the little fellow from me.
ESSENTIAL UPDATE: I contacted The folks at Sammy’s Backyard Crafts to let them know I featured their great beds and pup, and not only got a big thank you but a picture of Maybelle (Sweetest name ever!) as she is all grown up:

I love her! And folks, if you are thinking about getting a dog, why not visit your local shelter? Your gift of a home will be rewarded one thousand times over in love, gratitude and friendship.